Using ion chromatography valve switching technology to eliminate the influence of high concentration of chloride ions, the bromide and sulfate in high-purity potassium chloride were analyzed. The bromide ion content was 0.0001438%, and the sulfate content was 0.0000384%.
Using a dynamic range conductivity detector, high concentration of chloride ions and low concentration of other ions can be analyzed at the same time.
Ion chromatography: RPIC-2017
Detector: dynamic range conductivity detector
Flow rate: 1.0mL/min
Suppressor: WLK-8A
Eluent: 20mM KOH isocratic
Current: 60mA
序号 保留时间 名称 浓度(mg/L) 峰面积
1 7.947 Br-1 0 1836842
2 10.753 SO4-1 0 1784109
3 19.728 Br-2 0.15 2800396
4 22.538 SO4-2 0.04 2960496